Tamar Dolbaia
Head of Quality Assurance Service, Professor of Public Geography
contact information:
Address: TSU VI building, room №202, i. Chavchavadze Ave. 8
tel: (+995 32) 2 25 04 84(6292)
E-mail: tamar.dolbaia@tsu.ge
Marekh Devidze
Deputy Head of Quality Assurance Service
contact information:
tel: (+995 32) 2 25 04 84 (6266)
E-mail: marekh.devidze@tsu.ge
Miranda Mikadze
Chief specialist of quality assurance service
contact information:
tel: (+995 32) 2 25 04 84 (6252)
E-mail: miranda.mikadze@tsu.ge
Tamar Jakhua
specialist of quality assurance service
contact information:
tel: (+995 32) 2 25 04 84 (6266)
E-mail: tamar.jakhua@tsu.ge
Quality assurance service